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Tree Donate

"Your support will help us to make life better living for poor vulnerable children consectetur adipisicing elit"

Tree planting is recognised as one of the most engaging, environmentally - friendly activities that people can participate in to help the planet when done properly. We provide immediate humanitarian aid and help people get back on their feet. We are support tree plantation, child education, help the poorest and most vulnerable, and support human rights activists. We hold the values of mutual help, solidarity and humanism in high esteem. Our network of yield real results that are sustainable and transformational. Each rupees given goes directly to combating housing, hunger, health, and education crisis around the world. We connect people and organizations together to change lives, break the cycle of crisis, and provide hope.

Planting more trees is our guiding principle. People can make changes. Together they can find ways to improve their lives and solve their problems.


Tree Donate recognizes the importance of compliance with all relevant laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards. We are committed to having strict management discipline and compliance environment.


At Tree Donate our mission is to empower individuals and underserved communities by providing holistic development and awareness. We are committed to building an equitable society where basic necessities.


We acknowledge the importance of compliance with all relevant laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards, and are committed to having strict management discipline and first-class controls in our compliance environment.