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Create Green Cities

Our mission is to make cities paradise. We want to give cool and clean air to our people.

Grow Trees

Our goal is to plant one crore trees by 2035 and create a healthy environment in India

Raise Funds For Poor Peoples

We are a society, we collect funds from rich people for poor people. We have a target of helping more than 1 lakh poor families by 2030.

Support Sports Activities

We provide financial assistance to poor students to achieve in the field of sports.

Give good food support

A person is in dire need, One Who Is Better Provided Than Him Must Help The Needy Person With All Sorts Of Support He Can Serve.

Help Old Age Homes

A Roof Over Their Heads Is A Critical Need Of The Elder Who Are Destitute, Sick And Abandoned By Family And Those Uprooted By Disasters, We Are Provideing That.

Give Peoples Medical support

Tree Donate also extends its financial support to poor and needy patients who are struggling to afford their healthcare expenses.

Raise Funds For Education

We Started Tree Donate To Address Children Who Have Dropped Out Of School Or Those With A Learning Gap Who Don’t Have A Basic Foundation.